Emre Yıldırım 0 Comments Evelyn Alvarado Experience At presentInterface Designer Lead at Segovia Inc. 2015 - 2018UX Designer Sr. at Juris Designing. 2012 - 2015Interface Designer Lead at Segovia Inc. 2010 - 2012UX Designer Sr. at Juris Designing. Education 2001 - 2003Design of Art and Technology, School of Cambridge. 1999 - 2001Graphics University School of Arts, Los Santos. 1997 - 1999Infinity High School Of London 1995 - 1997Experince Design & Interface design process. MySkills 92% Branding 78% Ui/UX Design 89% Pakaging Contact MePlease contact me by filling the the information below. If you have question about Segovia i'm ready to answer all your questions or visit my website. Hata: İletişim formu bulunamadı. Share Post :